Quatre articles récemment publiés :
1 – D. Montero, G. Walther, A. Perez-Martin, E. Roche, A. Vinet.
Endothelial dysfunction related to inflammation and oxidative stress, in obese children and adolescents: signs and lifestyle intervention. N° Manuscript Obesity Review : OBR-08-11-1127. In Press.
2 -Vitiello D, Boissière J, Doucende G, Gayrard S, Polge A, Faure P, Goux A, Tanguy S, Obert P, Reboul C, Nottin S.
β-Adrenergic receptors desensitization is not involved in exercise-induced cardiac fatigue: NADPH oxidase-induced oxidative stress as a new trigger. J Appl Physiol. 2011 Nov;111(5):1242-8.
3 – André L, Gouzi F, Thireau J, Meyer G, Boissiere J, Delage M, Abdellaoui A, Feillet-Coudray C, Fouret G, Cristol JP, Lacampagne A, Obert P, Reboul C, Fauconnier J, Hayot M, Richard S, Cazorla O.
Carbon monoxide exposure enhances arrhythmia after cardiac stress: involvement of oxidative stress. Basic Res Cardiol. 2011 Aug 6.
4 – Meyer G, Boissiere J, Tanguy S, Rugale C, Gayrard S, Jover B, Obert P, Reboul C.
Carbon monoxide pollution impairs myocardial perfusion reserve: implication of coronary endothelial dysfunction. Cardiovasc Toxicol. 2011 Dec;11(4):334-40.